Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Favourite Poet or Allama Muhammad Iqbal

poetry is the art of expressing one's feelings and ideas in an impressive manner.It
provides us pleasures besides improving our awareness of life.The poet is a man of deep
insight and sensitive mature.He can make us see and feel in a wonderful new way .I am also 
fond of reading poetry ,especially urdu and punjabi poetry .Allama Muhammad Iqbal is
my favourite poet.He is undoubtedly the greatest Muslim poet this century.His poetry is 
read and appreciated not only in Pakistan and India but also in Iran and many European
countries.His books have been translated into English,German and many other languages of 
the world.He was not only a poet but also a great thinker.In fact, he adopted poetry as a
means of conveying his ideas.That is why he called a philosopher poet.Unlike other
urdu poets he is not concerned with love and female beauty.He gets poetic inspiration from
his beautiful ideas.That is why he called a philosopher poet.Unlike other 
Urdu poets he is not concerned with love and female beauty.He gets poetic inspiration from
his beautiful ideas.Islam and Muslims civilization form the central theme of his poetry.He is 
deeply convinced that Islam is the best system of life that can make the Muslims glorious once
again.he is pained to know that the Muslims have sunk into degradation by giving up their
own golden principles and traditions and by blindly imitation the Western civilization.In his
poems,Dr Iqbal exhorts the Muslims to come back to the fold of Islam and to
regain their lost prestige.I like his poetry which gives us the message of hope and 
struggle of life .His concept of "Khudi" is appreciated by the scholars all over the world.

A number of factors contributed their part in shaping the out look of Dr. Iqbal and
developing his poetic genius.He was born at Sialkot in a Kashmiri family in 1877.His father
Sheikh Nur Muhammad was a mystic from whom Iqbal inherited his deep love of religion.
When he was a student at Murray College,Sialkot,he had the good fortune of getting the 
guidance of a capable teacher like Syed Mir. Hassan.He created in Iqbal a genuine love for 
Arabic,Persian and Islamiat.When he came to Government College Lahore for higher 
Education,he got the tutorship of Dr.Arnold who inspired in him a love of philosophy.He got 
his Master's Degree in Philosophy in 1899 and worked as a Professor of Philosophy for some 
In 1905 ,he proceeded to Europe for higher studies in Philosophy and Law .He obtained 
his Ph.D in philosophy from Germany and his degree of Bar-at-Law in 1908.On his return
to India,Dr.Iqbal started his legal practice but gave it up soon.His real interest lay in poetry
and the plight of India Muslims.He started writing poems in Urdu as well as 
Persian .His poetic faculty blossomed forth and he produced such memorable works as
Band-i-Dara,,Bal-i-Gibril,Zaboor-e'Ajam,Zarb-v-Kaleem,Asrar-i-Khudi and
payame-Mashriq.All of them are recognized as world classics.He won great fame and honour 
in his life time .Prominent persons from all walks of life came to him to seek guidance and to 
gel his valuable opinion.

Dr.Iqbal's stay at Europe proved to be of immense importance in influencing his mind.
He became aware of the current political and philosophical development in the world .He also
developed his hatred for nationalism,materialism and imperialism.All these thoughts colour
his poetry.Dr.Iqbal also proved to be the originator of the idea of Pakistan.It was he who for 
the first time put forward the demand for a separate Muslim State within India in his famous
presidential address at the Allah Abad session of the All India Muslim League.Unfortunately
he could not live to seq the emergence of Pakistan.He died in 1938 nine years before the 
creation of Pakistan.So he is remembered and honoured not only as a great poet but also as
the founder of Pakistan Ideology .Many of his verses contain deep wisdom and have become

Every teacher ,speaker and scholar in our country loves to quote Dr.Iqbal.He is a
favourite poet of almost all the students in Pakistan.

Our National Hero or My Favourite Leader

Every nation has got its own heroes .They are men of exceptional qualities sand strength
of character.They perform wonderful achievements which benefit the whole nation and the
whole mankind.A National hero may be a brave soldier, a great poet, a scientist of a

Our most important national hero is the Quaid-i- Azam.I like him very much ,because he
has greatly impressed me by his honesty ,intelligence and hark struggle.He is the great man
who won Pakistan for us and is called its founder .We are highly obliged to him because he
saved us from the slavery of the Hindus.His real mane was Muhammad Ali Jinnah.He was
born to a business man of Karachi.He was very intelligent, serious, and responsible person
from the very beginning of his life .After completing his education in the country,he
proceeded to England for higher education in Law.After returning home ,he 
started his practice as a lawyer at Bombay .At the same time he began to take interest in the political
affairs.It was the time of Freedom Movement against the British Rule over India .In the
beginning,Quaid-i-Azam joinde the Indian National Congress and worked for Hindu Muslims
Unity.But soon he realized that the Hindus were prejudiced against the Muslims and
were not prepared to give them their basic rights.He felt that the Hindus and Muslims could 
never live together peacefully in the same country .He was so wise politically that
he believed that freedom of India would be meaning less for the Muslims because they 
would get Hindu rulers in place of the English rulers.

Therefore Quaid-i-Azam left Indian Congress and joined Indian Muslim League.All
the Muslims leaders like Dr.Iqbat ,Liaqat Ali ,Maulana Shaukat Ali and others supported him
and made him their leader.He was superior to all of them in political sagacity and strength of 
character.He struggled hard and worked day and night to get a separate country for the Indian
Muslims.He had to face the united opposition of the Hindus,the British leaders and some of j
the Muslim scholars.His enemies tried their best to purchase him and to put him to death ,but
they could mot succeed .He was an old man suffering from a dangerous disease which was 
making him weak day by day .The doctors advised him again and again to take complete res,
but he did not care for his own life for the sake of the fulfillment of his mission of life.

At last he succeeded in achieving Pakistan on fourteenth August, 1947.It was no less
than a miracle to get such a biggest Islamic country of the world without fighting any 
battle and without having any army.Unfortunately Quaid-i-Azam could not live longer to
guide his nation and to strengthen his new found state.After one year of independence ,he 
died on 11th of September 1948.He was buried in Karachi.But in reality,he lives in the
hearts of all the Pakistanis.So long as this country exists on the map of the world ,the 
generation of Muslims will to on paying homage to this great man .Actually ,he was a 
martyr who sacrificed his own life to give political independence to the Muslims of 
India and their children.Great men like him are rarely born in history.

A Village Fair

Fairs are very common in our country .They are generally held in the honour of
some pious person.They are often held after the harvest is over.People have
leisure and  money .They can spend time as well as money to make them a success.

All sorts of people attend the fair at the shrine. The go to the fair for the sake of
merry making and enjoyment.At one place, you see a merry go round with its load of
children .At  another place ,we find the juggler showing his tricks.acrobats and rope dancers
also perform their seats in a corner.In a village fair, people get a chance to buy and sell their
goods.These fairs have a religious touch also.They also encourage trade and let the people
have a get together.I have seen many fairs in my life.The village is remarkable for its activity.
Once I happened to go to village fair .The village is situated on Lahore Faisalabad road.Its
name is Kot Mehmood .There is a spacious ground near the road side .In the middle ,there is a
tomb of a pious person.I do not know his real name but he is known as SHAH BUKHARI.
There is fair popular belief that on the day of fair ,it always rains.The fair lasts for three days.

The drummers come from far and near and beat their drums in the front of tomb .They beat
them loud and fast .People offer FATEH at tomb.Women come to greed the dead saint.But
most of the people come to enjoy the fair.

There are sweet shops .The villagers stand around them and buy the sweets eagerly
"pakoras" are sold in large quantities .They are fresh and spicy.Mangoes and water melons are also

There are peep shows and cinemas .It is at night that villagers go to see the
cinema show .There is a snake charmer who show different feats to the people .He has a lot
of snakes.He catches hold of the snake in his hand and show it freely to the people .The
people are greatly amused at the different movements of the snake.

The villagers take a part in many games .They arrange matches of wrestling and kabaddi.
The wrestling matches are often exciting and thrilling.Some village singers also collect a
large gathering of people.There is also found the presence of policemen.They try to maintain
the law and order in the fair.


Patriotism means love and regard for the country. It is a natural instinct that men loves the place where he gets birth and where he is brought up. It is one of the noblest passions of human nature. The love of country is natural and essential for every one. Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He needs the assistance of other human beings. So the people belonging to one country are brothers and they work for the collective interest of the country. They struggle to flourish their country. The man, who works against the interest of his country, is traitor and he does not deserve any sympathy.
The only way to serve Pakistan is that we must be sincere with out country. We must keep our personal interest behind and we must give supreme importance to the demands of our freedom. Country is not just a piece of land. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers and valleys. It is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture, traditions and our great religion. We love Pakistan because it is the centre of our hopes and future dreams. It is the land of our following generation. We must try to make it strong and undefeatable castle of Islam.
Patriotism is an active virtue. The real love urges man to do every thing in his power for the welfare of his country. It makes him perform his duties honestly and devotedly. Patriotism makes him a good citizen, who is always ready to serve his nation with best of his talents. A good citizen is always ready to give sacrifices for his nation. Patriotism is a sacred passion, which makes the nation really strong and honorable. It is our duty to keep this passion alive in our hearts.
The great wars of the world were won only because of the extreme sense of Patriotism. Only those nations in the world survive and distinguish themselves, whose citizens keep a high and a very positive sense of Patriotism. Pakistan can become a really strong country, when the people of Pakistan are patriots in the real sense of the world. Give you love to your country and it will give you all the blessings.

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